Umpires (Junior & Senior)
Umpire Expression of Interest
Umpiers’ Corner Info Bite
Our second pre-season Info Bite is a refresher on that magic window – TheStrikeZone!
The Little League Rule Book states: “The strike zone is that space over home plate which is between the batter’s armpits and the top of the knees when the batter assumes a natural stance. The umpire shall determine the strike zone according to the batter’s usual stance when that batter swings at a pitch.” During the game, the consistency of your strike zone is key, especially during a batter’s at-bat sequence.
Refresh yourself on the rules for a Strike –A STRIKE is a legal pitch when so called by the umpire, which— (a) Is struck at by the batter and is missed; (b) Is not struck at, if any part of the ball passes through any part of the strike zone; (c) Is fouled by the batter when he has less than two strikes; (d) Is bunted foul; (e) Touches the batter as he strikes at it; (f) Touches the batter in flight in the strike zone; or (g) Becomes a foul tip.
Try out these links or references
- Look at Rules 2.0 Definitions and Rule 6.0 Batter
- What is the Strike Zone
- Sometime these are misunderstood rules
Umpiers’ Corner Info Bite
Our third pre-season Info Bite is a reminder about that play changing call of Fair vs Foul!
Whether a batted ball is fair or foul is determined by the location of the ball at the appropriate reference point, as follows:
- if the ball leaves the playing field without touching anything, the point where the ball leaves the field;
- else, if the ball first lands past first or third base without touching anything, the point where the ball lands;
- else, if the ball rolls or bounces past first or third base without touching anything other than the ground, the point where the ball passes the base;
- else, if the ball touches anything other than the ground (such as an umpire, a player, or any equipment left on the field) before any of the above happens, the point of such touching;
- else (the ball comes to a rest before reaching first or third base), the point where the ball comes to a rest.
If the ball is on or above fair territory at the appropriate reference point, it is fair; else it is foul. Fair territory or fair ground is defined as the area of the playing field between the two foul lines, and includes the foul lines themselves and the foul poles.[1] However, certain exceptions exist:
- A ball that touches first, second, or third base is always fair.
- Under Rule 5.09(a)(7)-(8), if a batted ball touches the batter or his bat while the batter is in the batter’s box and not intentionally interfering with the course of the ball, the ball is foul.
Try out these links or references
- Look at Rules 5.0 – Putting the ball in Play
- Note the difference about a ball going foul before or after first base !
- Try this Video
Umpiers’ Corner Info Bite
Our next pre-season Info Bite is a look at two of those rules that we only see sometimes – Infield Fly and Dropped Third Strike.
Infield Fly – This rule only applies with less than 2 outs and when there are runners on 1st &2nd or 1st, 2nd & 3rd – Maybe remember it as the “2&2 Rule” – A Fair ball, that could be caught with ordinary effort – but isn’t – can result in the batter being out.
Try out these links or references
- What is the Infield Fly Rule
- Read Rules 2 and 6 again for this one
Dropped Third Strike – The dropped third strike rule in baseball is when a hitter strikes out, but the catcher fails to catch the pitch in the air. When the ball hits the ground on a third strike, the hitter is allowed to run to first base.. when the following are true:
- The batter strikes out and
- The catcher does not catch the pitch in the air and
- There are less than two outs and first base is unoccupied orthere are two outs
Try out these links or references
- Dropped Third Strike
- Try this Video
- Read Rule 6.0 again for this one
Umpiers’ Corner Info Bite #5
Our next pre-season Info Bite is a look at what can sometimes make TBall a tricky game to umpire – Valuing Bases….
T Ball has the added complexity of requiring the umpire to value each hit which simplistically fall under these guidelines…
- A Value is the MAXIMUM number of bases that a Runner or batter may progress. It IS NOT an award of bases or a guarantee – but a limit … you can still get out trying to reach the maximum bases awarded.
- One base – when a ball is fielded or touched by an infielder, attempted to be fielded or stays in the infield
- Two bases – Bounces, rolls into the outfield without an infielder attempting to field it or flys into the outfield but outfields don’t need to turn an chase it
- Triple or Home run – when the outfielders need to turn and chase a ball hit to the outfield
HOWEVER read the wording in the RHBL Rules 5.21 – especially about the throw that returns the ball and stops runners advancing
Umpiers’ Corner Info Bite
Possibly our pre-season Info Bite is a look at how we start every game – with a plate meeting. If you are an official Junior blue or a volunteering parent every game needs a plate meeting (there is even a box to tick on the score sheet!
- Hold your plate meeting 5-10 min before the start time of the game
- Introduce yourself and let the coaches introduce themselves
- Have a pre prepared notebook with a summary of rules specific to the game so you can hold an effective plate meeting
- Identify the following points in your meeting
- The game you are playing, TBall, Zooka, Rookie Live etc
- The length of the game and the start/end times and Side Away limits
- When can you steal or not
- Explain the 10 minute rule,
- Confirm a quick summary of the major items for the game e.g. valuing bases for T Ball, management of the Zooka Machine,
- Are there any new rules this season or things that players need to be reminded about (thrown bats or Catcher hurry up rules)
- Check with each coach if they have any questions.
DON’T FORGET TO PRACTISE your plate meeting and have a look at these links